Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Top Tips to Improve Your Job Search - Margaret Buj - Interview Coach

Top Tips to Improve Your Job Search - Margaret Buj - Interview Coach Job searching can be extremely stressful for multiple reasons such as keeping track of where you have applied, going to interviews and worst of all â€" dealing with rejection. Although it’s the time that everyone dreads, there are ways in which you can you make the stress of finding your dream job just that little bit easier. Follow these tips to ensure that you have the best chances of success in your search. Get your CV Up to Scratch One of, if not the, most important element of a job search is your CV. Potential employers view your CV as a representation of you â€" if it looks messy, they’ll think you’re not organised. If there are careless spelling errors or obvious grammar mistakes, you may come across as careless or even worse, less intelligent than you actually are. When designing and creating your CV, it is important that you make the cv layout stand out so that you get noticed, as sifters will easily put your application into the reject pile if it doesn’t catch their eye. As well as this, ensure that all contact information, qualifications and job experience listed is correct and up to date, as lying on your CV can land you in some pretty hot water! Read the Job Description Carefully A mistake that a lot of people make when applying for jobs is not thoroughly reading the description of the job that you are applying for. There is nothing worse than getting offered a new job and realising that you can’t get there due to transport issues or that the hours aren’t suitable for you. If you travel using public transport, ensure that you check if it is possible to get to your new workplace without spending exuberant amounts of money or getting up at a ridiculous hour in the morning before you apply. As well as this, make sure that you have needed requirements, whether that be experience or qualifications, before you get excited about a new opportunity. It’s important to make sure that the job is right for you. Prepare for Interviews You’ve applied online or in person and you get the email or phone call that they’d love to see you for either a face to face or group interview. Great apart from the nerves that come with it! The interview is the integral part of the recruitment process as it lets your potential employers see that you are more than simply a piece of paper with qualifications written on it. When it comes to interviews, preparation is key. Make sure that before you go to the interview, you have researched and read about the company so that the interviewers can see your dedication and willingness to learn. As well as this, the best preparation that you can do is to practice your interview technique and research some common interview questions. However, the most important thing to remember is just to be yourself! Job hunting can be very intimidating, stressful, and even tiring. However, one of the most important things to remember is that the process can also be exciting! Job hunting is all about finding new opportunities and starting a new chapter in your life, so follow these tips and you’ll be sure to make a great impression on potential employers!

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